Tauranga Mayor

Papamoa Ward Councillor

John Robson Has Had His Hair Cut

John Robson had vowed not to have his hair cut until the commissioners leave office at Tauranga City Council. We were worried that the commissioners reign might have been extended for a further 4 years. Secretly, I think John was worried too. He was already having trouble seeing where he was going (Johns Website).

The commissioners are leaving in July, and I am very pleased to say that John has now had his hair cut (I think that John is pleased to). I have exclusive photos of John before and after.

Here is John before (I have permission from John to publish his photo):

Photo Credit Georgi Kalaydzhiev on Unsplash

Here is john after (I have permission from John to publish his photo)

I think he has scrubbed up quite well. There was a handsome fellow hiding behind all that wool. Plus, he can see where he is going now. John is very clear sighted about council and what needs to be done. You can’t pull the wool over John’s eyes any more, if ever.


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