Tauranga Mayor

Papamoa Ward Councillor

Boat Ramp Parking Fees

Boat ramp parking fees are being introduced on 1st of July.

The council has a predicted budget deficit of $83.4 million for 2023-24. Perhaps that is why they are scrambling to raise extra revenue from the ratepayer charges, and or by selling assets like the marine precinct.

The reason we pay rates is to provide public utilities, roads and facilities. Council should be reducing wasteful spending, rather than just increasing rates and or charges. Council needs to be reorganised to make it more efficient and cost effective.

Council should be running a balanced budget, not just increasing debt every year to pay for operating expenses. That is the same bad financial habit as loading up your credit card debt to pay for groceries. Sooner or later you run out of credit and have to pay the bill.

Do we really need to pay a chief executive $400-600 thousand a year, if he doesn’t understand basic financial prudence? Why are we paying the commissioners thousands of dollars a day when they have no idea how to run an efficient council? It is not value for money for the long suffering rate payers.

Unfortunately, the incoming council is going to face some massive financial problems left behind by the commissioners. Seagull politics at its best. The commissioners are doing their very best to restore trust in Tauranga Council NOT. Tauranga council has the lowest approval rating of any council in New Zealand ( see Scoop and The Post).


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