Fold, Flee Or Fight

Cleaning The Augean Stables

Category: Tauranga Council

  • Huge News On Developer Contributions (1)

    Update and clarification: Tauranga has two different development contributions, one by the land developer, and another by whoever builds the house. The council is allowed to charge the land developer 100% of the growth infrastructure costs which means that the section price has already paid for growth. This reduces the cost of bare land because…

  • Tsunami Workshop Papamoa

    TCC ran a Tsunami workshop at the Papamoa Library on Friday 14th of February 2025. A lot of staff and consultants in attendance. The previous workshop was held in Arataki. I am pleased to say that six of our councillors attended. Thank you councillors for giving up your time for this very important subject. In…

  • Steve Morris Clinic

    Barry Scott and I attended a clinic with Councillor Steve Morris at the Papamoa Library in December 2024. Barry is promoting community committees, as a first step towards community boards, with the first committee being setup as a trial for the Arataki and Papmaoa wards. I was along for the ride. Council is planing to…

  • Rates Cap Petition

    Tauranga is struggling because of unaffordable rates. Under the long term plan, rates are set to become even more unaffordable. I have started this petition to put a rates cap on council. Please sign the petition here, and pass it on. The petition: We the undersigned petition the Council to: Council will vigorously oppose the…

  • Mucking Out November 2024

    Some of the little treasures that the peasants found while they were mucking out the stables. We have a petition to put a rates cap on council. Please sign the petition, and pass it on. Thanks. The council is negotiating with the Auditor General over the investigations of the Marine Precinct sale and the Devonport…

  • Marine Precinct Updates 2024-11-22

    A bit more news on the Marine Precinct. The Marine Precinct group lead by Erika Harvey, Mark Ngata and Sean Kelly have had to withdraw their legal action because of the high costs and the risk of damages being awarded. Justice is only available to people with deep pockets. The legal costs would have been…

  • Do We Need A Rates Cap?

    The council has been very busy. They have approved the next phase of the library building. They are soon going to approve the next phase for the museum, and they are warming up to approve the aquatic center. All wonderful stuff, except for the poor starving ratepayers who are going to have to pay for…

  • Maori Wards

    Maori carving beside state highway 29A overlooking Rangataua Bay. I have had a query about Maori wards. I am writing as you are running for Mayor of Tauranga. 1. Do you support the Coalition Government’s plan to have binding referenda about Maori wards? 2. Do you support or oppose Maori wards in Tauranga? I think…

  • The Marine Precinct Has Been Sold

    And just like that it’s gone. Council has sold the marine precinct to an unknown buyer for an unknown price (BOP Times). No warning, no discussion, no consultation. Just now you have it, and poof, suddenly just like that, it’s gone. And they can’t tell you the details because if they did they might look…

  • Our Rates For 2034

    The total average residential rates, including water and Regional Council rates by 2034 is estimated at approximately $12,000 per year, or higher. The average Tauranga City Council residential rates are approximately $3500. If we add average Regional Council rates (approx. $600), and average water rates (approx. $600), the total average residential rates for 2024 are…

  • Too Many Consultants

    More managers means more consultants. So where we have too many managers (seagulls), we also seem to have too many consultants (ducks), all looking for food (rates). In 2022-23 Tauranga City Council spent nearly $56million on consultants (LGOIMA request /2024/q4/150524). Airport 326,538 Animal Services 16,233 Arts & Culture 2,030,759 Asset Divestment and Leveraging 104,424 Asset…

  • Too Many Managers

    And not enough ratepayers. Tauranga City Council has too many managers (seagulls). For the 2022-23 year there were 1033.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees working for Tauranga City Council (2023 Annual Report). Over the same period there were 190.5 managers (LGOIMA request 2024/q4/90524). This means that there are 843 non managerial staff, with one manager per…