Category: Papamoa And Arataki
Tsunami Workshop Papamoa
TCC ran a Tsunami workshop at the Papamoa Library on Friday 14th of February 2025. A lot of staff and consultants in attendance. The previous workshop was held in Arataki. I am pleased to say that six of our councillors attended. Thank you councillors for giving up your time for this very important subject. In…
Armistice Day 2024
The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Armistice Day at Papamoa War Memorial on Stella Place. Don’t those navy lads look handsome in those white uniforms. Also attended by an army verteran, and an army officer from the UK. Approximately 18,000 and 12,000 kiwis died in World Wars One and Two…
Steve Morris Clinic
Barry Scott and I attended a clinic with Councillor Steve Morris at the Papamoa Library in December 2024. Barry is promoting community committees, as a first step towards community boards, with the first committee being setup as a trial for the Arataki and Papmaoa wards. I was along for the ride. Council is planing to…
Gordon Spratt Shelter
We have a new shelter beside the play park at Gordon Spratt Reserve. Here local resident Barry Scott cuts the ribbon with Papamoa Rotary Club project manager Christa George. Barry initiated the project to provide shade for local moms while their children are playing on the playground. The structure provides shade, and somewhere to sit…